Selasa, 27 Februari 2024

Story Mural Residen Soedirman

Bidang 1:

  • Semasa muda bekerja sebagai Pegawai Cukai.
  • Pada 1912 menikah dengan Siti Sundari.
  • Mereka merupakan suami istri yang aktif berorganisasi, terutama di "Indobescche studieclub".
  • Soedirman juga aktif berjuang melalui kepartaian. 
Field 1:

  • When he was young he worked as an Excise Officer.
  • In 1912 he married Siti Sundari.
  • They are husband and wife who are active in organizations, especially in "Indobescche studieclub".
  • Sudirman also actively fought through a political party.

Bidang 2:

  • Terjadi pengibaran bendera di menara Kantor Gubernur Jawa Timur, yang juga Kantor Karisidenan Surabaya tempat Residen Soedirman berkantor, pada 1 Oktober 1945.
  • Saat peristiwa perobekan bendera di hotel orange, sebelumnya Residen Soedirman datang dan melakukan perundingan dengan pimpinan belanda Mr. Ploeghman. 
Field 2:
  • There was a flag raising on the tower of the East Java Governor's Office, which was also the Surabaya Resident Office where Resident Soedirman had his office, on October 1 1945.
  • During the flag tearing incident at the Orange Hotel, previously Resident Soedirman came and held negotiations with the Dutch leader, Mr. Ploeghman.

Bidang 3:

  • Di Kantor Karisidenan Surabaya, Jepang secara resmi menyerahkan kekuasaan kepada pemerintah Surabaya yg diwakili oleh Residen Soedirman.
  • Saat tentara Sekutu datang ke Surabaya, disusul penyebaran pamflet yang pertama pada Oktober 1945, Residen Soedirman mendatangi Brigadir Mallaby dan melakukan perundingan.
  • Pada perundingan gencatan senjata antara Presiden Soekarno dan pimpinan tentara Sekutu. Residen Soedirman ikut serta dalam sidang membentuk Kontak Biro.
  • Pecah pertempuran 10 November. Residen Soedirman ikut menyingkir membentuk pemerintahan darurat di luar kota.
Field 3:
  • At the Surabaya Resident Office, Japan officially handed over power to the Surabaya government represented by Resident Soedirman.
  • When Allied troops came to Surabaya, followed by the distribution of the first pamphlets in October 1945, Resident Soedirman visited Brigadier Mallaby and held negotiations.
  • During ceasefire negotiations between President Soekarno and the leadership of the Allied troops. Resident Soedirman participated in the session to form the Contact Bureau.
  • Fighting broke out November 10. Resident Soedirman stepped aside to form an emergency government outside the city.

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