Senin, 26 Februari 2024

Story Mural Doel Arnowo


Bidang 1 :

  • Doel Arnowo Nama asli Abdoel Adhiem) lahir tanggal 30 Oktober 1904 sampai remaja di kampung Gentengkali Surabaya bersama kedua orangtuanya Ayah Arnowo dan ibu Djahminah.
  • Bekerja di Kantor Pos Surabaya (1921-1933)
  • Menjadi aktifis politik di Partai Nasional Indonesia (PNI) pada tahun 1927.
  • Ditangkap Belanda dan masuk penjara (17 April 1934-Juni 1935)karena kritis ke Pemerintah Belanda melalui karya-karya tulisannya, salah satunya yang berjudul “Kamoes Marhaen”

 Field 1:

  • Doel Arnowo Real name Abdoel Adhiem) was born on October 30 1904 until he was a teenager in the Kampung Gentengkali Surabaya with his parents, father Arnowo and mother Djahminah.
  • Worked at the Surabaya Post Office (1921-1933)
  • Became a political activist in the Indonesian National Party (PNI) in 1927.
  • Arrested by the Dutch and imprisoned (17 April 1934-June 1935) because he was critical of the Dutch government through his written works, one of which was entitled "Kamoes Marhaen"

Bidang 2 :

  • Pada masa pemerintah Jepang diangkat sebagai pegawai kantor propaganda Jepang.
  • Menjadi anggota dewan penasehat pemerintahan kota.
  • Mendapat tugas mengorganisir pemuda2 yang masuk PETA di seluruh Jatim.
  • Awal kemerdekaan, aktif mengawal pembentukan pemerintahan sipil di Surabaya.
  • Cak Doel memimpin gerakan memperbanyak dan menyebarluaskan berita proklamasi.

 Field 2:

  • During the Japanese government, he was appointed as an employee of the Japanese propaganda office.
  • Become a member of the city government advisory board.
  • Got the task of organizing youth who joined PETA throughout East Java.
  • early independence, actively overseeing the formation of a civil government in Surabaya.
  • Cak Doel led the movement to increase and disseminate news of the proclamation.

Bidang 3 :

  • Doel Arnowo dalam sidang KNI 25-27 Agustus 1945, dimana ia sebagai ketua KNI Karesidenan Surabaya.
  • Doel menyerukan gerakan pengibaran merah putih di seluruh penjuru kota Surabaya berturut-turut mulai tanggal 29 sampai 31 Agustus 1945.
  • Melalui sidang KNI diputuskan untuk membentuk Badan Keamann Rakyat (BKR) dan Badan Penolong Korban Perang (BPKP) pada tanggal 2 September 1945.
  • Cak Doel mengumpulkan dan meminta para ex perwira PETA untuk menghimpun lagi bekas anak buahnya.
  Field 3:

  • Doel Arnowo at the KNI session 25-27 August 1945, where he was the chairman of KNI Surabaya Residency.
  • Doel called for a red and white hoisting movement throughout the city of Surabaya successively from 29 to 31 August 1945.
  • Through the KNI session, it was decided to form the People's Security Agency (BKR) and the War Victim Assistance Agency (BPKP) on September 2 1945.
  • Cak Doel gathered and asked former PETA officers to gather their former subordinates again.

Bidang 4 :

  • Setelah pertempuran Surabaya fase 1 ( Oktober) Doel Arnowo sebagai angota kontak biro ikut terlibat perundingan dengan pihak Sekutu.
  • Meletus insiden  di jembatan merah yang menewaskan brigader Mallaby, cak Doel berlindung di tebing sungai.
  • Setelah masa revolusi, ia dipilih menjadi Walikota Surabaya ( 1950-1952)
  • Doel Arnowo memimpin awal Pembangunan Tugu Pahlawan. Kemudian dilanjutkan oleh Walikota Surabaya berikutnya R. Mustajab.
  • Doel Arnowo bertugas di Depdagri, Jakarta.
Field 4:

  • After the Surabaya battle phase 1 (October) Doel Arnowo as a contact bureau member was involved in negotiations with the Allied forces.
  • After the incident on the red bridge killed the Mallaby brigade, Cak Doel took refuge on the river bank.
  • After the revolutionary period, he was elected Mayor of Surabaya (1950-1952)
  • Doel Arnowo led the initial construction of the Heroes Monument. Then continued by the next Mayor of Surabaya, R. Mustajab.
  • Doel Arnowo works at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta.

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