Senin, 26 Februari 2024

Story Mural H.R. Moehammad

Bidang 1 :

  • Masa kecil R. Moehammad bersama orangtuanya di Sragen Jawa Tengah ( berasal dari keluarga bangsawan keturunan Sultan Demak dan Prabu Brawijaya . Cicit dari Setjodiwirjo (kyai Ngali Muntoha)
  • Disekolahkan oleh Pamannya di Pondok Pesantren.
  • Menerima ijazah tamat dari OSVIA pada tahun 1927.
  • Bertugas di Surabaya, menjadi wakil kepala jaksa di Kalisosok.

 Field 1:

  • R. Moehammad's childhood with his parents in Sragen, Central Java (comes from a noble family descended from the Sultan of Demak and Prabu Brawijaya. Great-grandson of Setjodiwirjo (kyai Ngali Muntoha)
  • Sent to the Islamic Boarding School by his uncle.
  • Received a diploma from OSVIA in 1927.
  • Served in Surabaya, became deputy chief prosecutor in Kalisosok.

Bidang 2 :

  • Masa pendudukan Jepang, Moehammad masuk PETA dan jadi Dan Yon pada tahun 1944.
  • Situasi terjadinya pertempuran Surabaya fase pertama pada bulan oktober, dimana Tentara Sekutu Inggris yang dipimpin oleh Brigjen AWS. Mallaby dengan kekuatan 6000 pasukan, kalah dalam pertempuran ini.
  • Saat kedatangan presiden dan wapres RI di Sby, ia diangkat jadi pimpinan Tentara Keamanan Rakyat (BKR) Jatim.
  • Selaku anggota kontak biro, berkeliling kota Surabaya pada tanggal 30 Oktober 1945 untuk meredakan suasana.

 Field 2:

  • During the Japanese occupation, Moehammad entered PETA and became Dan Yon in 1944.
  • The situation of the first phase of the Surabaya battle in October, where the British Allied Army led by Brigadier General AWS. Mallaby with a force of 6000 troops, lost this battle.
  • When the president and vice president of the Republic of Indonesia arrived in Sby, he was appointed leader of the East Java People's Security Army (BKR).
  • As a member of the contact bureau, toured the city of Surabaya on October 30 1945 to calm the atmosphere.

Bidang 3 :

  • Saat konvoi tiba di Jembatan Merah, dihadang massa yang protes kepada delegasi Sekutu (Brigader Mallaby)
  • Moehammad dan Kundan masuk gedung Internatio untuk negosiasi dengan perwira Inggris.
  • Komandan TKR  R. Moehammad mengendalikan pasukannya pada peristiwa pertempuran 10 Nopember 1945.

 Field 3:

  • When the convoy arrived at Red Bridge, it was blocked by a crowd protesting against the Allied delegation (Brigadier Mallaby)
  • Moehammad and Kundan entered the Internatio building for negotiations with British officers.
  • TKR Commander R. Moehammad controlled his troops during the battle of 10 November 1945.

Bidang 4 :

  • Pasca Revolusi Kemerdekaan, R. Moehammad menjadi bupati Ponorogo (1951-1955).
  • HR Moehammad menjadi residen Gubernur pertama di Lampung.
  • HR. Moehammad Menjadi anggota DPR (1971).
Field 4:

  • After the Independence Revolution, R. Moehammad became regent of Ponorogo (1951-1955).
  • HR Moehammad became the first Governor-resident in Lampung.
  • HR. Moehammad Became a member of the DPR (1971).

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